So here we go. Gloves are on. Figuratively speaking. I have the heat cranked. There's really no need for gloves. Round 3 is about to commence.
Here's the low down. I've been eating. A lot. My weight is basically back where I started. Awesome. But I've also been rock climbing. A lot. So besides the fact the sometimes my fingers hurt too much to type, I'm feeling good. Well. Good enough, anyway.
Tomorrow will be my first day back to CrossFit. It may kill me. But let's be optimistic and assume I don't die. Or brutally maim myself attempting ring dips. My week will proceed as such. Monday CrossFit and soccer. Tuesday I've got yoga and climbing. Wednesday, just CrossFit. Thursday is climbing and yoga. Friday I'm going to attempt CrossFit, yoga and soccer. Saturday is climbing and soccer. And on Sunday, I will collapse in a heap and plead for death. After yoga. Then on Monday, I'll do it all over again. For a month straight. Jealous yet?
My diet it going to be different than it was it was previously. For two reasons. One. I hated it. Two. I really hated it. Having said that, I have yet to come up with an actual plan. Other than, "eat less shit food." But I'll keep you posted.
And finally, I'll be taking measurements, and of course photos either tomorrow or Tuesday. I'll have those up as soon as possible. Lucky you.
Round 3. Bring it on.